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What I do...


Basically, I create original unique artworks in several different mediums...the one element they all share, is texture.


Whether using paint, fibres, textiles, wood, slate, wire, graphite or clay... they all have such wonderful natural textures to capture and showcase.


Many of my artworks are presented in a way that allows, if not encourages, you to touch and gently explore. Texture after all, is primarily but not limited to, touch.


I'm a relentless explorer; experimenting and being curious about new innovative ways of following my inner creator. Even as a child I experimented with how to make textural marks and as I grew I salvaged bits of wood, made implements, sought old dried up cast off paints. Anything to follow what to me was as natural and necessary as breathing...creating art.


The tools and techniques I use today as as varied as then, although now I have the luxury of being able to purchase the most glorious brushes and materials.


My experimaentation has sometimes taken me on a duynamic journy...sometimes with unwanted results! However, it is through taking a leap and experimenting, that allows me (us) to learn and discover new ways to express myself in my art.


Every piece I create is the result of a very fluid, instinctual process. Art, for me, is impossible without a personal connection. it may start with a concept or a fibre; feeling; image or texture but it's crucial there's a developing connection in order for the art to truly be authentically mine.

It is through this connection that I invite it to inform me of how to proceed, each and every stitch, brush stroke, line must be of value or else why is it there?! As a result each evolves and is quite literally; unique.



Because of this need for close connection, everything is created by hand...yes all that stitching! I may at some point in the future, decide to incorporate a free motion machine but it's not where my connection sits at this the randomness and imprecise nature of hand stitch, so I can't imagine ever stepping too far away from 'hands on'.


Although I create many paintings; whether as a commissioned piece or not, I also spend time around textiles and fibre.

My recent works have been in textile sculpture; a very intensive process but producing very dramatic and striking artworks.


You may (or may not) have realised by now that I take commissions!

Let me quickly provide you with an overview of how that works...

Depending upon the style and remit, there will be varying amounts of trust. What any of my clients would tell you is that, I spend lots of time communicating, asking questions, gaining a feel for what the client wants or even what they didn't realise they wanted! If the remit is a portrait of their Dalmatian...the process is the same but of course the resulting dogs look and more importantly 'feel' like their companions. With a textile sculpture or painting, there is often more flexibility.


So, that's a brief tour through what I do...the best thing now is to go and explore the various areas of my website and see for yourself what my artwork is like and what it is that you feel a connection with...enjoy!


Adele x

'Soft Landing' Detail .jpg
'Finders Keepers' DETAIL(2).jpg
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